Tuesday, May 31, 2011

D&C 25:12

12 For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.

I have always loved this scripture! It is referring to when revelation was given for Emma Smith was to put together sacred hymns for the church. When I first read this scripture I thought of the many times that I have sat in sacrament meeting and felt as if the hymn I was singing was giving words to the prayer in my heart. I know that in those moments my Heavenly Father is listening - to my prayer.
When I looked closer at this scripture and its footnotes it can be read as "God delighteth in the communication of the heart" it also references the "song of the righteous" as a prayer. So whether it be a song that gives our prayer the words our heart was looking for or a prayer in our heart that communicates with our Heavenly Father; "it shall be answered". What am amazing promise!
If you chose a hymn to describe your prayer this morning, what would it be? "There is sunshine in my soul today" ... maybe "Lead kindly light amidst encircling gloom". Is it one of gratitude, need for comfort? Something to think about today as you say your prayers and keep a prayer in your heart.

Sister Emett

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