Friday, May 20, 2011

D&C 59:9

9 And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day

The times that I have visited the local Middle and High Schools and walked the halls, I have been sadden by the horrible language that I hear. I am sad that our youth have to hear this everyday, more sad if it is our Young Women and Young Men in our wards and Stake that are using offensive language. Today's prayer scripture has an awesome blessing attached to it, if we keep the Sabbath Day holy, if we go to church with a prayer in our hearts and partake of the sacrament we can be unspotted by the world. A cool image came to my mind, to see our youth walking around with big bubbles around them and all the ugliness and offensiveness bouncing off and only goodness and love can get through, can you imagine this too, to be unspotted from the world. A challenge for you, this Sunday pray in the morning before church that you will feel the power of the covenants you made at baptism, at church listen to the sacrament prayers and try hard to focus on Jesus Christ,think of ways that he has helped you and ways that you can help him. After church find a quiet place and pray again. I think you will find that you turned an ordinary Sunday into a Sabbath day, a special day that puts a bubble around you for the rest of the week. Prayers work, they have power.

Have a wonderful Day, and a wonderful Sabbath, Love Sister MaryAnn Jensen

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