Thursday, May 26, 2011

D&C 68:28

28 And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord.

One of my favorite quotes goes something like this, "Preach the Gospel. And, if necessary use words." The best way to teach someone is by example. I know you Young Women don't have children yet, but if you get in the habit now of praying morning and night (and throughout the day), you can carry that into your marriage. Then, as you kneel in prayer alone and with your husband, your children will see you and their testimony of prayer will be strengthened. They will learn to pray from your example. And, won't it be easier to start that habit now rather then when you have little children running around? I testify to you that the things you learn now, and the habits that you form now will effect your life as a wife and a mother. Start today and make morning and evening prayer a priority in your life. Then, when you do have children they will learn from your example and will "walk uprightly before the Lord".

Love you,
Sister Norman

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