Monday, May 23, 2011

Acts 27:35

35 And when he had thus spoken, he took bread, and gave thanks to God in presence of them all: and when he had broken it, he began to eat.

Have you ever given thanks to your Heavenly Father "in the presence of them all"? If you have ever been asked to pray at a meeting, gathering, or even a family meal than you have!!
What a wonderful opportunity to not only express your thanks to your Heavenly Father for your blessings, but to be able to share your testimony of Him and his goodness to those in your presence. Sometimes when I am in a meeting and I am asked to pray, I feel self conscious and nervous. I wonder, "What am I going to say?" I have actually said a little private prayer before offering a public prayer so that my Heavenly Father will guide me to the words I should say. I have been in meetings where the prayer offered seemed like it was just for me, and I knew that the person praying was listening to the spirit for inspiration.
If we take opportunities to pray privately, and publicly our testimony of prayer will grow. If we include our Heavenly Father in our thanks for things both large and small we will also have more gratitude.

Sister Horne

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