Friday, May 27, 2011

Moroni 7:26

26 And after that he came men also were saved by faith in his name; and by faith, they become the sons of God. And as surely as Christ liveth he spake these words unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith believing that ye shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you.

Memorial Day is a bittersweet holiday for me.  I look forward to it because it means that the school year is almost over and that I get 2 1/2 months off of work (Yaa!!).  What makes it bittersweet is the trip we take to the cemetery every year.  It's been almost 15 years since I lost my Dad to cancer.  While I remember him often, on Memorial day we visit his grave site.  It's an interesting thing to look down at a gravestone of someone who had such a huge impact on your life.  I often wonder as I do so, what he thinks of me and what I have done with my life.  His gravestone lists his name, my mom's name, and the names of each of his children.  That means that my own name is right there next to his on that gravestone.  Maybe you've heard the question before, "What have you done with my name?"  That is what goes through my mind as I am there at that physical reminder of my Dad. 
My dad was (and is) one of my greatest heroes.  He was my champion, my cheerleader.  Much of what I accomplished in my high school and college career was motivated in part by a desire to please him, to make him proud of me.  He listened to me when I cried, he cheered my successes, he fueled my love of music, and even greatly influenced my career decision.  I was blessed to have my Dad as one of my professors in graduate school.  He would babysit my oldest when he was just a baby and I was in class, and proudly show him off to all of his colleagues (or just anyone that was around).  I knew that he loved my child as much as he loved me.
Because of how much he loved me, it is still important to me that I live a life that he would be proud of.  What have I done with his name?  Have I lived a life that reflects all of the wonderful qualities that he taught me?  Would someone who knew him, recognize his wonderful qualities in me, his daughter?
This scriptures invites us, through faith, to become sons (or daughters) of God.  All of our Heavenly Father's good qualities are inside of us, because we are his children.  As much as my Dad loves me, and I love him, our Heavenly Father's love for us is even stronger!  It's hard to even comprehend how much love that is.  In return, are we living up to His name?  When I stand at my Dad's graveside, I make a renewed commitment to do a better job of living up to who he wanted me to be.  When I pray, that is my chance to let my Heavenly Father know that I want to be recognized as one of His daughters.  To recommit to live a life that He can be proud of.  Just as my own Dad was there to listen to me through my tears, our Heavenly Father wants to hear all of our problems.  Just as my Dad was my biggest supporter, our Heavenly Father wants, more than anything, for us to be happy and successful in our life's journey.  When you say your prayers today, think of someone who is your biggest champion, and remember that your Heavenly Father loves you even more perfectly.  Wow!  Aren't we lucky to know that?

Have a wonderful day knowing how much you are loved!
Sis. Norris


Beth said...

What a touching post and a wonderful reminder of our Heavenly Father's love for us. Thank you Sis Norris.

Alison said...

Thanks for always sharing your heart! Love the post. It reminded me to be a better daughter. :) Thanks!