Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Romans 10:13

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Saved? Saved from what? Well what do you need help with? Sometimes I feel like I need a respite from the daily grind of life, sometimes I feel like I am in danger, and sometimes I just need help with a problem. All of these things are perfect examples of my needing to be saved.

In ward conference I shared a story about my son needing to be saved so he prayed. I know that many of you have heard this story now but it is a wonderful example.

When my son was in 2nd grade he went to a school that was about 2 miles away from our home. He stayed after school one day only to find that his friends and ride had left without him. He began walking home but as he approached a busy road saw that even the crossing guards had left. He became afraid. Afraid of the long walk home. Afraid of being alone. He left the sidewalk and went down into a ditch where he could not be seen from the road. He prayed for help. Heavenly Father heard the prayer of my frightened child because when he came up out of the ditch one of the crossing guards had returned. He ran to her and explained his situation. She let him use her phone to call me and waited with him until I arrived.

Heavenly Father answered more than one prayer that day as our family had prayed for safety that morning. I also offered a prayer for each of my children that day to return home to me safe and sound.

The scripture is talking about more than just the daily things we will need help with. It is an all encompassing statement of truth about our eternal salvation. When we pray we stay closer to our Heavenly Father. When we stay closer to our Heavenly Father we make good choices. When we make good choices we perform good actions. When we perform good actions we are living the life that He hopes we will live. When we live this life of goodness and charity we will also live an eternal life with our Father. Just like dominoes our daily prayers can set off a chain reaction that is delightful to see and joyous for those around us to be a part of.

Remember to call on Him in prayer for whatever circumstance you are in. His answers may surprise you!

I Love You!
Sister Horne

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