Monday, May 16, 2011

D&C 52:15

"Wherefore he that prayeth, whose spirit is contrite, the same is accepted of me if he obey mine ordinances."

Have you ever felt rejected by a friend? Maybe you have longed to be a part of a group or club at school, but they haven’t accepted you. Most of us feel a need to be accepted by our friends and even those not in our social group. We may worry about how our choices will be received and accepted by others. Acceptance by others seems to be vital to our self-worth. Often times we are not included because others are selfish, petty, and cruel. Trying to navigate the rules of acceptance by our peers could often bring one to feel frustrated, and as if they have no value. As I look back on my teenage years, I wonder why so much energy was used to be accepted by people who didn’t always have my best interest. It seemed a lot of hard work to wear the right clothes, say the right things, and act the right way to be accepted.

We don’t need to wear a certain pair of jeans or belong to the popular group to be accepted by our Heavenly Father. The Lord loves us for who we are because we are His creation. His rules of acceptance are not arbitrary. They don’t change on a whim. He wants us to be a part of His group. All He asks is that we be teachable and willing to obey His commandments. Through humble prayer, we can know of our standing before the Lord, and as we seek His guidance, we can feel His love and acceptance. He does know what experiences and decisions are best for us. Knowing that we are His daughter provides our true source of worth. As you long to feel acceptance, pour out your heart to your Father, and He will bless you with His love, and you will know that you are a daughter of great worth.
Love, Sister Linnell

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