Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jonah 2:7

7 When my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.

This scripture is referring to Jonah, when he was in the belly of a whale. He was praying to Heavenly Father for help in his afflictions. I mean, he was stuck in the belly of a whale. That is quite the affliction!

Do you ever feel Jonah? Like you are so deep in a trial, that there is no way out? Do you feel like your burdens are too heavy, too much to handle? I urge you to pray! The Lord will help you. His Spirit will comfort you. It may be in the Lord's time. (This is a hard one for me still to understand.) And, His answer may be no. But, I trust that the Lord is merciful and kind and just and He will always be there for you. He will guide you through your afflictions. You probably will not have to be vomited out like a fish from the belly of a whale. But, you will eventually find peace and understanding in your trials.

Love you,
Sister Norman

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