Friday, June 17, 2011

D&C 136:28

28 If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.

What a joyful verse! How many of you participated in, or attended, the Temple Celebration that our stake participated in in conjunction with Oquirrh Mountain Temple dedication? This scripture reminds me of that event, where we really did have the opportunity to praise God and offer a prayer of thanksgiving through singing, music, and dancing. It was such a memorable event for me, and I felt so grateful to have been a part of that effort. I left that celebration feeling uplifted and really like we had offered a prayer of thanksgiving to our God. How can we continue to have that kind of prayer in our every day lives? What music do you have on your mp3 player right now? What do you listen to on the radio in the car? What song do you have in your head as you go about your day? Today make a conscious effort to have uplifting music in your day. Sing a hymn. Listen to good music. Pick media that uplifts and inspires you. Make your music and entertainment a prayer to God. And have joy in doing it! The Lord loves music, and He loves you! Have a great day!

Sister Jones

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