Thursday, June 9, 2011

Luke 22:32

32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

What I really like about this scripture as I studied it is the fact that the Lord explains that HE has prayed for the faith of Peter. The Lord knew that Peter would betray him, but yet he is praying for Peter's faith to "fail not". I like to think of the Lord praying for my faith to "fail not" also. I know that the Lord loves each of us and does hope and pray for our faith as well, even if just like Peter we are not perfect and falter at times. Let us pray today that our faith with "fail not". Have faith to know that with Heavenly Father we are strengthened each day. Then when we know of this strength... share it! Share an experience of faith with others, maybe a friend, coworker, or a family member!

This morning I felt strengthened by a simple statement that my daughter said to me. You see, our new baby has been congested and she could hear that he was frustrated since his nose was stuffy. She was very concerned that he was going to get worse and wouldn't be able to breathe. I explained to her that I thought he would be fine and that we would take really good care of him until it clears up. I had asked her to watch him while I took a quick shower. After my shower she brought him to me and she seemed much less stressed about the situation. She explained to me that she had said a prayer for him that he would be okay and that she thought he would be. Her simple expression of faith, strengthened me as I started off my day. Who around you may need to be strengthened today?

Sister Emett

1 comment:

yayayayya said...

That is so cute. The faith of a young child is amazing! With something as small as faith, things really work out for us. Asking Father in Heaven for help through the day does make it brighter!