Thursday, June 16, 2011

Proverbs 15:29

29 The Lord is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.

So where does the Lord go? Why is he far from the wicked? Many times in the scriptures and lessons from our latter day prophets they tell us that Christ is waiting with arms open ready for any one that humbles himself enough to come to him. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is always there, it is us that move away from him. Each sin takes us a step away from him, even baby steps in the wrong direction adds up. I love our Young Women theme, it says We will Stand as wittiness of God in all things and in all place. We stand, meaning we don't go this way one day or with one circumstance or friend and back again, than maybe the other way for the next friend but we stand, believing in God, all the time, no matter where we are or who we are with. We will always have his spirit to be with us.
I have felt the power in a righteous prayer, I sometimes like to think of prayers as fireworks being shot up to heaven, sometimes I shoot duds, not much going on there, I know went I send up a 4th of July firework, when I know that my prayers made it there. I also love the thought of everyone saying there prayers, can you imagine the firework show that we can give the world. We can and do make a different. Stay close to the Lord.
Love you, Sister MaryAnn Jensen

1 comment:

Shanna said...

An accumulation of bad events over the last few days left me feeling completely helpless, hopeless yesterday. I broke down bawling and praying. Again this morning, I cried and prayed and felt a strong urge to look up whatever scripture was today's part of the challenge (don't tell anyone ;), but I haven't looked at any of the scriptures yet - I got the challenge late, then misplaced my bookmark - Oops!). This scripture gave me so much comfort! Later, I got a call from my mom and my burdens have been lifted, my prayers have been answered, and I now know how we're going to get through these new trials we are facing. I'm so grateful that my Heavenly Father listens to me and cares enough to answer! AND I have a new testimony of the importance of this challenge! What a beautiful way to be reminded of our divine heritage and calling everyday!