Friday, June 3, 2011

Jacob 4:10

"Wherefore, brethren, seek not to counsel the Lord, but to take counsel from his hand. For behold, ye yourselves know that he counseleth in wisdom, and in justice, and in great mercy, over all his works."

In my home office, I have a variety of artwork, clay pottery, and picture books made by my children. Each one is unique and bears characteristics of their creator. I have a story book that details the wit and vivid imagination of one of my daughters. I have about 15 clay pots that show the varied skills and personalities of my children. Hanging above my computer, I have a water color of an arch located in Arches National Park. This picture was painted by a daughter after our family climbed this arch on a fun vacation. Even though many of these works are at least five years old, when asked about the process of creation, my children could tell you many details of how and why the particular item was made. They are proud of their creations, flaws and all. Each of these art works are treated with care and hold a great deal of sentimental meaning for our family.

When you think of all of God’s creations, do you list yourself as one of his works? Not only are you one of His works, you are His supreme creation. Our Heavenly Father knows the details of our lives. He understands everything about us because He made us who we are. Perfection is not a requirement for His love. Being His creation, we each possess divine qualities of our Heavenly Father. We are made in His image.

Just as any artist wants his creation to be the best it can be, our Heavenly Father has a plan for us to become all that we can become. When we seek His counsel through prayer, He will guide and direct us to what we should become. Often times that process may be challenging and different than our desires for our lives. Just as the artwork doesn’t dictate to the artist the colors or methods used in the development of his work, we must conform to our Creator and allow His process of completion in our lives. His methods are perfect, wise, just, and merciful. As you pray today, allow His wisdom and counsel to guide you to be the best you can be. He knows you best and loves you because you are His great work.
Love, Sister Linnell