Tuesday, June 14, 2011

James 1:5-6

5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

I have a favorite talk that I like to listen to.  I first heard it 5-6 years ago, and I like to listen to it again a couple of times a year to remind myself of it's message.   It's called Prayers That Reach Heaven by Diana Hoelscher.  It was given to a youth group, and while she is a very entertaining speaker, her message, at least to me, is profound.  I'd like to paraphrase one of the experiences she shares. 
Before I do, picture in your mind the boy Joseph Smith, confused and looking for answers.  One night he was reading in the bible.  (Did you catch that?  He was reading the scriptures, looking for answers and peace!)  When he came across this scripture, he realized that this was his answer.  So he choose a place that he knew would be peaceful, and where he could be alone, and began to pray - out loud.
Sister Linell reminded us a couple of days ago of the power of praying out loud.  This story is another example.  In the talk, Sis. Hoelscher shared an experience she had on her mission.  There was an elder that got up to share his testimony at one of their meetings.  He said something like this.  "The other night as I was preparing to say my prayers"...  Preparing.  That means he thought about what he was doing and who he was praying to before he began to pray!  He went on to say that he prayed out loud.  That really struck Sis. Holescher and she decided to try it.  Because she was on a mission, finding alone time was very difficult, so she chose a moment when her companion was in the shower and she proceeded to pray out loud to her Heavenly Father.  She shared that the power of that prayer and the love that she felt from her Heavenly Father were overwhelming.  Later, her sister was visiting her on a mini-mission.  When her sister knelt to say her prayers, she stopped her.  She told her to go in the other room to be alone, and then to pray out loud.  Minutes later, her sister came running back in the room, tears streaming down her face saying "Why have you never told me this before?"
I'm telling you know, there is power in praying out loud.  Not a prayer for your class or your family (though they are powerful too) but an out loud conversation between you and your Father in Heaven - just between the two of you.  When you pray out loud, your prayer becomes much more personal.  It is easier to stop and listen for a response, and when you pray with faith, nothing wavering, it is almost impossible to not feel His love.
Joseph Smith followed this example.  He prayed out loud and was rewarded with the knowledge that Heavenly Father knew him by name.  Find a quiet place.  Have a conversation with your Father in Heaven. Talk to him out loud.  It may change your whole relationship with Him.  Heavenly Father is real. And He is waiting to talk to you today.

Love, Sister Norris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sister Norris! I tried that tonight. It does work. We can get answers and have a conversation with Heavenly Father. It is so neat. He does love us individually! I second your post:)