Monday, April 11, 2011

Mark 1:35

35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

This scripture is referring to Jesus Christ. What a great example He is to us! He rose up early in the morning and found a quiet place to pray. I think that is the best way to start the day. When we start the day with prayer, we invite the Spirit to be with us throughout the day. Heavenly Father can, through the Spirit, help us make decisions throughout the day, show us whom we can serve, and bless us with those blessings we stand in need of. We may think that praying in the morning may seem mundane or unnecessary, but miracles can happen! Just think of Joseph Smith. In Joseph Smith History verse 14 we read, "It was on the morning of a beautiful, clear day, early in the spring..." And then, of course we know that Joseph Smith began to pray and saw and spoke with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! What an incredible experience! And, it all began with a simple prayer "a great while before the day, in a solitary place." I believe that we can also have wonderful experiences when we pray to our Heavenly Father in the morning as we ask Him for help and for the Spirit to be with us throughout the day.

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