Monday, April 25, 2011

Alma 45:1

1 Behold, now it came to pass that the people of Nephi were exceedingly rejoiced, because the Lord had again delivered them out of the hands of their enemies; therefore they gave thanks unto the Lord their God; yea, and they did fast much and pray much, and they did worship God with exceedingly great joy.

I know for myself it is easy to turn to my Heavenly Father in prayer when I need help or comfort, but I sometimes forget when life is good to express my thanks to Him that has blessed me. He is the giver of all good gifts, whether it be a small victory with the kids that day or a huge turn for the positive in our life's direction. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and have joy, so let us not forget to include him on those moments whether big or small.

Love, Sister Emett

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