Tuesday, April 26, 2011

D&C 5:24

24 Behold, I say unto him, he exalts himself and does not humble himself sufficiently before me; but if he will bow down before me, and humble himself in mighty prayer and faith, in the sincerity of his heart, then will I grant unto him a view of the things which he desires to see.

I have sometimes wished I were like Superman with his cool x-ray vision, and perfect eyesight. Or even like a gypsy with a crystal ball which would allow me to see the things that were going to happen in my life. What I realized when studying this verse is that I have "a view of the things" which I desire to see. When I pray sincerely, humbly, and in faith Heavenly Father will let me know what I need to do in order to achieve the results I want. I like this so much more than having to be a superhero, or carry around a heavy glass ball! Heavenly Father doesn't expect us to live our life blindly; instead he will guide us in all that we do if we ask him to do so. I love that he cares so much about me and that he loves each of you.
Sister Horne

1 comment:

Roger Gibson said...

I love your insight to that. Very well said. We love you too Sister Horne!

I have loved participating in this challenge so far!