Tuesday, April 12, 2011

D&C 54:10

10 And again, be patient in tribulation until I come; and, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, and they who have sought me early shall find rest to their souls. Even so. Amen.

Sometimes I have a restless soul.  I want answers and resolutions quickly.  I want to know that things are going to work out.  I worry about things.  I worry about my children, I worry about my job, I worry about my calling, about life, and oh ya, I worry about my children.  Being told that I need to be patient in my tribulations isn't always the answer that I want to hear.  But my restless soul craves peace.  This scripture reminds me that there is a way for me to find peace despite whatever I might be going through.  The spirit reminds me that my Heavenly Father is waiting for me.  As I seek Him, He will bring me peace.  Not only that, but He wants me to do it now.  While each of us has trials and tribulations, He wants us to turn to Him.  To ask for His help.  To seek Him.  And when we do, He will bring rest to our souls.  He will bring peace.

Love, Sis. Norris


Anonymous said...

I love my Heavenly Father, I know he lives, and hears my prayer. I am grateful for him!

Anonymous said...

Whenever I'm alone or sad, he is the number one person I know will not fail me, and will be there for me always, during hard times I know he is there to comfort me when I'm sad. Even through tribulations, I know he will always be there for me and wil strengthen me when I put my faith and trust in him! I love my Heavenly Father so much!

Anonymous said...

When I'm sad, or through difficulty, I know he will be there for me. When I'm sad he is the one that knows me and will be there for me. I know he loves me and all of us his children. I can count on him to be there, and give me comfort through hard times. I love my Father in Heaven with all my heart.HE is my true and wise friend!

Sis. Madsen said...

I really needed to read this scripture today. Thanks for your insight Sis. Norris it really helped me. Sis. Madsen