Friday, July 1, 2011

Alma 22:15-16

15 And it came to pass that after Aaron had expounded these things unto him, the king said: What shall I do that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken? Yea, what shall I do that I may be born of God, having this wicked spirit rooted out of my breast, and receive his Spirit, that I may be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day? Behold, said he, I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy.

16 But Aaron said unto him: If thou desirest this thing, if thou wilt bow down before God, yea, if thou wilt repent of all thy sins, and will bow down before God, and call on his name in faith, believing that ye shall receive, then shalt thou receive the hope which thou desirest.

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, "Look how happy they are. I want to be like that." Or, "They are so 'put together'. I want to be more like them." I love to see Sister Dalton, the General Young Women's President, speak. Isn't she gorgeous? She seems so organized and well spoken. I admire her and would like to be like her. But, mostly the thing I like about her and aspire to be like is her spirituality. I sit back and listen to her speak and just think, "Man, I need to really step it up. I need to be better. I need to strengthen my testimony. I have got to be better at reading my scriptures."

I feel like the King in this scripture. He wants to be better. He wants to be "born of God," and not be wicked anymore. He wants to be happy. And, we know that "wickedness never was happiness." So, the king's desire is a righteous one. I think my desire to be better, to strengthen my testimony and work harder at accomplishing my goals, is also a righteous one. Aaron helps us know what we need to do to have our righteous desires. He says that we need to kneel down in prayer in faith, repent of our sins, and ask Heavenly Father for His help and guidance. He will help us accomplish our goals, strengthen our testimonies, and be "born again". We just need to ask Him in prayer. And then, we need to be willing to do what He asks of us.

Love you all,
Sister Norman

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